Group Members


Jonathan Shihao Ji, Ph.D.
Director, Intelligent Systems Lab
Associate Professor, School of Computing, UConn


Multiple PhD student positions are available for Spring/Fall 2025. I am looking for self-motivated students with strong mathematical and programming skills to work with me on computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning projects. If interested, please read this page for details. For UConn students, you are welcome to reach out to me anytime.

Ph.D. Students

  1. Qing Su
  2. Kaiyang Li
  3. Hui Ye (co-advised with Dr. Sunderraman at GSU)

Ph.D. Alumni

  1. Dr. Krishanu Sarker (PhD 2021, co-advised with Dr. Saeid Belkasim), First employment: Applied Scientist, Amazon, WA
  2. Dr. Xiang Li (PhD 2022), First employment: Sr. Data Scientist, Oracle, GA
  3. Dr. Xiulong Yang (PhD 2022), First employment: Lecturer, Central China Normal University, China
  4. Dr. Yang Ye (PhD 2023), First employment: Research Scientist, Meta/Facebook, CA
  5. Dr. Yang Li (PhD 2024), First employment: Applied Scientist, Amazon, WA

M.S. Alumni

  1. Weizhen Liu (MS 2024), Towards Vision and Language Models Aided Object Navigation (MS thesis)
  2. Sam McDonald (MS 2024)
  3. Rohan Bera (MS 2024)
  4. Vinay Revanuru (MS 2024)
  5. Devin O’Keefe (MS 2022)
  6. Udaya Priya Shantha Murthy (MS 2022)
  7. Harsha Duddu (MS 2022)
  8. Samana Sami (MS 2022)
  9. Takudzwa Chikwanda (MS 2022)
  10. Varchala Ganugapati (MS 2022)
  11. Qing Su (MS 2021), ChiTransformer: Towards Reliable Stereo from Cues (MS thesis)
  12. Hsiu-Yuan Fan (MS 2021)
  13. Wilgens Pierre (MS 2020)
  14. Apeksha Hada (MS 2020)
  15. Sivanvita Srimath (MS 2020), Human activity Recognition from RGB video streams using 1D-CNNs (Publication)
  16. Sohan Sathyan (MS 2020)
  17. Tamilselvi Palanivel (MS 2019)
  18. Vijetha K. Bhatt (MS 2019)